Detail Area

Pay Itm (document pay item)

Specifies a number that identifies the pay item for a voucher or an invoice. The system assigns the pay item number. If the voucher or invoice has multiple pay items, the numbers are sequential.

Gross Amount

Enter the total amount of the invoice or voucher pay item. The gross amount can include the tax amount, depending on the tax explanation code. The system does not decrease the gross amount when payments are applied. When you void a transaction, the system clears the Gross Amount field.

The amount that you enter for each pay item must total to the amount that you enter in the Invoice Amount field in the header portion of the form.

Effect on ROU Asset (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify whether this payment has an effect on the right of use (ROU) asset calculation. Use this field if you are entering manual billing records for a lessee accounting lease for payments that are made before lease commencement. Records that impact the ROU asset calculation must be set up before generating amortization schedules for the associated asset in order to be included on the balance sheet. Values are:

  • No

  • Initial Direct Cost

  • Lease Incentive

    Note: You typically enter these amounts as negative amounts. For example, if you are receiving $1000 off of the rent for the first period of the lease, enter -1000 in this field.

  • Lease Payment

Building/Business Unit (Release 9.2 Update)

If you are entering billing records for a lessee lease, this field appears as Building/Business Unit. When entering records for property assets, this field represents the building associated with the unit. When entering non-property assets, this field represents the responsible business unit associated with the asset.

Unit and Unit Asset Number (Release 9.2 Update)

When you enter a value in the Unit field for a property asset, the system automatically retrieves the Unit Asset Number value from the Unit Master (F1507). These fields are used together to identify a leased property asset for a lessee lease.

Asset Number and Non-Property Asset (Release 9.2 Update)

When you enter a value in the Asset Number field, the system automatically selects the Non-Property Asset option. These two fields are used together to identify a leased non-property asset for a lessee lease.