
1. Require Lease Manager

Specify whether the lease requires a lease manager. Values are:

Blank: Does not require a lease manager.

1: Requires a lease manager.

2. Unit Number Edit

Specify whether the lease requires a valid unit number. Values are:

Blank: The lease requires a valid unit number that exists in the F1507 table. You cannot leave this field blank.

1: The lease does not require a unit number. You can leave this field blank. However, if you enter a unit number, it must be valid in the F1507 table.

2: The lease requires a unit number, but you can enter an invalid number.

3. Straight-line Rent Generation Control (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to determine how to update the Straight-line Rent Generation Control field (GENC) in the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B) when you revise fields that can impact straight-line rent calculations.

When you make changes that impact straight-line rent calculations, you typically want to set this field value to Y so that the records can be recalculated, and new records can be generated. If your changes impact straight-line calculations, and you choose not to update this field, you must manually update the field using the Straight-line Rent Revisions program (P1513) before you recalculate straight-line rent information.Changes to the following fields could impact straight-line rent calculations: Lease Start Date, Lease End Date, Term of Lease, Move-In Date, Plan-Out Date or Commitment Beginning Date. Values are:

Blank: Do not update Generation Control field. The system does not update the Straight-line Rent Generation Control field

1: Update Generation Control field using warning window. The system provides you with an opportunity to update the Straight-line Rent Generation Control field by displaying a Straight-line Rent Warning window. Click OK to update the field with Y, or click Cancel if you do not want to update the field.

2: Update Generation Control field automatically. The system does not display the Straight-line Rent Warning window, and automatically updates the Straight-line Rent Generation Control field to Y.

4. Commitment Begin Date Edit

Use this processing option to specify whether the system validates the commitment begin date. Values are:

Blank: Validate

1: Do not validate

5. Override Lease Straight-line Rent Setup (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to specify whether the system allows you to override lease straight-line rent setup information. This includes the Straight-line Rent Generation option on the Recurring Billing Revisions program (P1502) and the fields from the Lease Straight-line Rent Setup program (P15131) that are called from the Lease Master Maintenance (P1501) and the Recurring Billing Revisions (P1502) programs. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow override.

1: Allow override.

6. Lessee Accounting Actions (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to specify whether users can complete any of these lessee accounting actions on the Lease Master Revisions form:

  • Modify any lessee-related fields in the header or detail of an existing lease. These fields include Lease Classification, Reasonably Certain to Exercise Option, Borrowing Rate, and Category Code fields.

  • Modify any lessee-related fields in the detail when adding a new lease. Values will default from the lease header.

  • Create lease amortization schedules for a lease.

  • Create lease commencement journals for a lease.

Values are:

Blank: Do not allow lessee accounting actions

1: Allow lessee accounting actions