Entering Lease Term Changes in the Lease Master

To enter lease term changes in the Lease Master:

  1. From the Tenant & Lease Information menu (G1511), select Lease Information.

  2. On the Work With Leases form, search for and select the lease you want to update.

  3. On the Lease Master Revisions form, select the row you want to update, and then select Change Lease Terms from the Row menu.

  4. On the Change Lease Terms form, complete one or more of these fields, and then click OK:

    • Borrowing Rate

    • ROUA End Date

      You must enter a date greater than the date that is displayed in the Recurring Billing End Date field.

  5. On the Lease Master Revisions form, make any additional updates to the records in the detail area, and then click OK. Note that your changes are not saved until you click OK on this form.