Remeasuring a Lessee Lease

To run the remeasurement process on a leased asset:

  1. From the Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting menu (G15201), select Amortization Schedules.

  2. On the Work With Amortization Schedules form, search for the leased asset you want to remeasure.

  3. Review the Recalculate Lease Liability field, which must contain a 1 (Remeasure) or 2 (Terminate or remeasure).

  4. Select the row you want to remeasure, and then select Remeasure from the Row menu.

  5. Specify the G/L date and the exchange rate method in the Remeasurement Options dialog box and click OK.

  6. The system runs the remeasurement process, and completes one of these sets of steps, based on the lease liability status of the asset:

    • If the status is 20 or 30, the system deletes the existing schedules, recreates new schedules using the updated lease terms, and resets the Recalculate Lease Liability field to 0 (Do Not Remeasure).

    • If the status is 40, the system updates the amounts in the amortization schedules starting in the next unprocessed month, creates a batch of remeasurement journal entries, and resets the Recalculate Lease Liability field to 0 (No action required).

  7. If necessary, you can now review, approve, and post your remeasurement journal entries. See Reviewing, Approving and Posting Lease Commencement Journal Entries for instructions.