Entering Legal Clause Information

Access the Legal Clause Revisions form.


Enter the tenant number. You set up legal clause information by lease or tenant; therefore, if you complete this field, do not complete the Lease field.


Enter the lease number. You set up legal clause information by lease or tenant; therefore, if you complete this field, do not complete the Tenant field.

Option Type

Enter the value that specifies the type of option that is offered on a legal clause.

The system displays a value in the Detail Type field based on the option type value.

Option Status

Enter the user-defined code from UDC table 15/OS that indicates the overall status of an option, such as offered and accepted.

Clause Number

The system uses next numbers to generate this number.

Lease Version

Enter a number that represents the version of the lease. To maintain an audit trail of the changes that you make to a lease, you can generate a new lease version.

Space Detail
Option Audit
Clause Amounts

The system selects these check boxes to indicate that you have entered space detail, option audit, or clause amount information.

Begin Date

Enter the begin date. If you leave the begin and end dates blank and enter a clause for a lease, the system uses the beginning and ending dates of the version of the lease.

End Date

Enter the end date. If you leave the begin and end dates blank and enter a clause for a lease, the system uses the beginning and ending dates of the version of the lease.

Notice Date

Enter the date on which either party might be obligated to inform the other about whether an option is available, has been exercised, or was refused.

Critical Date

Enter the date that requires some kind of action, such as when an option ends or an inspection is due.

Notice Responsibility

Enter the address book number of the individual who is responsible for the notice option, such as the landlord or tenant.

Lease Doc Reference

Enter the value that indicates the source section or paragraph of the lease document.