Entering Standalone Chargebacks

Access the Create Standalone Transaction form.

Type Input

Displays 26 to indicate a standalone chargeback.

Chargeback G/L Offset

Enter the code that indicates the AR trade account that the system uses when you post the chargeback. To locate the account, the system concatenates this code to the AAI item RC. Complete this field for standalone chargebacks. If you do not use a separate account to track the offset for chargebacks, you can leave this field blank.

The system uses this hierarchy to locate the AR trade account to use for the chargeback record:

  1. If you use multicurrency, the system searches for RCxxx, where xxx is the currency code of the receipt.

  2. If the system does not locate the AAI, it uses RCxxxx, where xxxx is the value in the Chargeback G/L Offset field.

  3. If the system does not locate the AAI, it uses RCxx, where xx is the chargeback reason code.

  4. If the system does not locate the AAI, it uses RC for the company that is specified on the receipt.

  5. If the system does not locate the AAI, it uses RC for company 00000.

Chargeback Amount

Enter the unpaid invoice amount for which you want to create a new invoice record so that you can charge the customer. Complete this field for standalone chargebacks.

Chargeback Reason Code

Enter the code that identifies the reason that a chargeback was generated for an invoice during receipt entry. Complete this field for standalone chargebacks. Examples include:

DA: Disputed amounts.

DD: Unearned (disallowed) discount amount.

Note: The system does not accept blank as a value, even if it is defined in the UDC table. If you leave this field blank, the system does not use the default chargeback reason code from the processing options.