Escalation, Holdover, Revenue Fees, Fees and Interest, and Straight-line Rent Reports

This table describes and provides navigation to the escalation, holdover, revenue fees, fees and interest, and Straight-line Rent reports:

Report ID and Report Name




Escalation Information Listing

Use this program to print the escalation information that is set up for the lease.

Escalations (G1524), Escalation Information Listing


Revenue Fee Listing

Use this program to print the business unit fee or lease fee information that is set up.

Revenue Fees (G1526), Revenue Fee Listing


Straight-line Rent Listing

Use this program to print the actual recurring billings and straight-line rent for a lease, and the related Straight-line Rent information (differences, adjustments, and net effect).

Straight-line Rent (G1528), Straight-line Rent Listing


Straight-line Rent Register - Month

Use this program to print the actual recurring billings and straight-line rent for a lease, and the related information (differences, adjustments, and net effect) by month.

Straight-line Rent (G1528), Straight-line Rent Register - Month


Next Increase Listing

Use this program as a management tool to help you schedule the generation of escalation billings. The report displays information from the Tenant Escalation Master table (F15016B) and is associated with the Next Period Start - Month and Year fields.

Escalations (G1524), Next Increase Listing


Straight-line Rent Register - Year

Use this program to print the actual recurring billings and straight-line rent for a lease, and the related information (differences, adjustments, and net effect) by year.

Straight-line Rent (G1528), Straight-line Rent Register - Year


Escalation Calculation Register

Use this program print a list of the calculation details for a batch of escalation billings, to review the information for accuracy before posting the batch. The report is based on the Escalation Billing Register table (F1548B). A processing option for the Escalation Billing Generation program controls which version of the Escalation Calculation Register the system runs when you generate the calculations.

Escalations (G1524), Escalation Calculation Register


Holdover Tenant Report

Use this program to print the leases that are in a holdover status.

Holdover (G1525), Holdover Tenant Report


Escalation Indices Listing

Use this program to print the escalation index information that is set up. You can use this report to review the monthly index amounts that are associated with the escalation index for the calendar year. The system retrieves information for this report from the Escalation Index Master table (F1550).

Escalations (G1524), Escalation Indices Listing


Fee & Interest Listing

Use this program to print the fee information that is set up before you generate fee and interest transactions. The report prints information from the Fees and Interest table (F1525B).

You use data selection criteria as follows to limit the information that appears on the report:

  • Fee type.

  • Search level.

  • Key information for the search level (lease, tenant, building, and bill code).

Fees & Interest (G1527), Fee & Interest Listing