Fields That Are Updated During Receipt Entry

When you enter a receipt, the system updates specific fields with the account ID. The system locates the AAI based on how the receipt is applied to invoices. The system uses this account ID when you post the receipt to create automatic entries.

This table lists the fields that the system updates based on the type of payment application and the AAI that the system uses to locate the account:


Type of Payment Application

Type Input Code

Field Updated

Table Updated

AAI Used

Bank Account


not applicable


Receipts Header (F03B13)

The system uses the bank account number that is entered on the receipt. If you leave the Bank Account field blank, the system locates the account based on this hierarchy:

  • RB for the company that is entered on the payment.

  • RB for company 00000.

AR Trade

Applied payment



Receipts Detail (F03B14)

The system does not use an AAI. Instead, the system uses the account in the AID field of the invoice record in the F03B11 table.

AR Trade

Unapplied payment

not applicable


Receipts Header (F03B13)

The system locates the account using this hierarchy, where xxxx is the value of the Unapplied Bill Code field:

  • RCxxxx for the company that is entered on the receipt.

  • RCxxxx for company 00000.

  • RCUC for the company that is entered on the receipt.

  • RCUC for company 00000.

AR Trade

Payment that generates a chargeback

11 and 16


Receipts Detail (F03B14) and Customer Ledger (F03B11)

The system locates the account using this hierarchy, where xxxx is the value of the Chargeback GL Offset field:

  • RCxxxx for the company that is entered on the invoice.

  • RCxxxx for company 00000.

  • RC for the company that is entered on the invoice.

  • RC for company 00000.

AR Trade

Standalone chargeback



Receipts Detail (F03B14)

The system locates the account using this hierarchy, where xxxx is the value of the Chargeback GL Offset field:

  • RCxxxx for the company that is entered on the receipt.

  • RCxxxx for company 00000.

  • RC for the company that is entered on the receipt.

  • RC for company 00000.

Discount Taken

Payment with a discount



Receipts Detail (F03B14)

The system uses this hierarchy:

  • RKD for the company that is entered on the receipt.

  • RKD for company 00000.


Payment with a write-off

10 and 15


Receipts Detail (F03B14)

The system uses this hierarchy, where xx is the write-off reason code:

  • RA xx for the company that is entered on the invoice.

  • RA xx for company 00000.


Standalone write-off



Receipts Detail (F03B14)

The system uses this hierarchy, where xx is the write-off reason code:

  • RA xx for the company that is entered on the receipt.

  • RA xx for company 00000.

Deduction Suspense

Payment with a deduction



Receipts Detail (F03B14)

The system uses this hierarchy:

  • RN that is set up for the company that is entered on the invoice.

  • RN for company 00000.

Deduction Suspense

Standalone deduction



Receipts Detail (F03B14)

The system uses this hierarchy:

  • RN that is set up for the company that is entered on the receipt.

  • RN for company 00000.