
1. Forecasting Method

Specify the forecasting method to use to forecast sales for comparable leases. Values are:

Blank: Do not forecast sales.

1: Use the percentage increase of the current rolling 12 months from the prior rolling 12 months.

2: Use the lease year-to-date increase from the prior year.

3: Use the fixed percentage that you enter for the Flat Percentage Increase (Method 3) processing option.

4: Use a specific percentage increase for each month.

5: Use a specific percentage increase from the prior month's sales.

6: Use the flat percentage that is derived from comparing the thirteenth month to the first month.

7: Use the year-to-date increase of the project or building over the prior year.

If a lease is noncomparable, the system uses the appropriate seasonality values to forecast sales

2. Flat Percentage Increase (Method 3)

Specify a percentage increase by which to forecast sales, if you indicate the fixed percent increase method in the Forecasting Method processing option. Enter fractional percentages as decimals. For example, to indicate five and a half percent, enter 5.5.

If Method 4 or 5 is selected, enter the specific percentage for each month.

Percentage - January through Percentage - December

Specify the percentage increase by which the system forecasts sales for January through December if you indicated either of these methods in the Forecasting Method processing option:

Enter fractional percentages as decimals. For example, enter 5.5 to indicate five and a half percent.