Generating Alternate Schedules for Lessee

To generate alternate schedules:

  1. From the Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting menu (G15201), select Amortization Schedules.

  2. On the Work With Amortization Schedules form, search for and select the primary schedule line for the lease and asset for which you want to generate alternate schedules.

  3. From the Row menu, select Create Alt Schedule.

    This option is available only if the primary schedule already exists and alternate schedules have not yet been created.

  4. To review the schedules, on the Work With Amortization Schedules form, search for and select the lease and asset for which you want to review schedules. The system brings you to the Lease Liability Amortization Schedule form, and displays the primary schedule.

  5. To review the alternate schedule, select either the Operating or Finance radio button. Note that the system displays (Primary) next to the primary schedule classification.

  6. To review the ROU asset schedule, select Right of Use Asset from the Amortization Schedule Type field in the header. The system displays either the primary schedule, or the alternate schedule, depending on the display option in the header.

  7. To review the alternate schedule, select either the Operating or Finance radio button. Note that the system displays (Primary) next to the primary schedule classification.