Lease Status

1. Select/Omit Flag

Specify which leases to select for processing based on the lease status; use this processing option with the Lease Status 1 through Lease Status 10 processing options. Values are:

Blank: Process all leases for all lease statuses.

1: Select.

2: Omit. The system processes leases for all other lease statuses.

2. Lease Status 1 through 11. Lease Status 10

Specify user-defined codes from UDC table 15/LS that identify a lease status for the system to use when selecting leases for processing; use this processing option with the Select/Omit Flag processing option.

12. Include Blank Lease Statuses in Select/Omit List

Specify whether to include leases with a blank lease status in the select/omit list. Values are:

Blank: Do not include.

1: Include.