
1. Month and 2. Year

Specify the month and year through which you want to process tenant sales. The system processes all sales that are posted to the Tenant Sales History table (F1541B) and, for weekly sales, the Tenant Weekly Sales table (F15410) from the beginning of the tenant's reporting year through the date that you enter in this processing option.

3. G/L Date (general ledger date)

Specify the GL date to assign to the records in the Lease Billings Master table (F1511B).

4. Invoice Date

Specify the invoice date to assign to the records in the Lease Billings Master table (F1511B) that the system generates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date as the invoice date.

5. Service / Tax Date

Specify the service tax date to assign to the invoice or voucher records that the system generates. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the first day of the last period (based on today's date).

6. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify whether the system calculates sales overage billings for the version of the lease that is based on today's date (the system date) or the latest effective date. If the version of the lease specified does not have associated sales overage information, the system uses version 1 of the lease. Values are:

Blank: Uses the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.

1: Uses the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007, and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system displays the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: Uses the version of the lease that is effective as of the date provided in the Lease Prior Version Effective Date processing option

Note: If you do not set up versioning in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.
7. Weekly Sales Date

Specify the date to use to select records to process for weekly sales. The system processes all sales within the period for the date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system processes records for the period associated with today's date.

8. Generate Accruals

Specify whether to generate accrual entries when billing records are posted. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate. The system generates billing records in the Lease Billings Master table (F1511B) only.

1: Generate. The system generates billing records in the Lease Billings Master table (F1511B) and updates the Transaction Billing Type field (TRAN) with A, which generates the accrual entries when the batch is posted. You must enter a value in the Accrual Method field on the Sales Information Revisions form to generate accrual entries.

9. Process Estimated Sales

Specify whether to use only actual sales amounts or both actual and estimated sales amounts to generate sales overage billings. The system retrieves estimated sales amounts only from the F1542 table. Values are:

Blank: Actual sales amounts only.

1: Actual and estimated sales amounts.

10. Lease Prior Version Effective Date

Specify the lease prior version effective date.

You must enter 2 in the Search Default for Lease Version processing option.

11. Check for Prior Estimated Sales

Specify whether to stop billing a period if there are prior estimated sales. Values are:

Blank: Process actual sales regardless of prior estimated sales.

1: Process actual sales only if there are no prior estimated sales.

12. Final or Proof Mode (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify whether to run the Sales Overage Generation program (R15120) in final mode or proof mode.Values are:

Blank: Run the program in final mode.

1: Run the program in proof mode.