Receipt Document Types

When you apply the receipt to an invoice, the system creates two records:

  • A receipt header record that stores information such as the amount of the receipt, the check number and the receipt and general ledger dates.

    The system stores receipt header records in the Receipts Header table (F03B13).

  • A receipt detail record that stores the amount of the receipt that is applied to each invoice.

    The system stores receipt detail records in the Receipts Detail table (F03B14).

The system assigns receipt document types to the receipt detail record in the F03B14 table.

This table describes receipt document types:

Document Type


RC (receipt)

The system assigns this document type when you enter a receipt.

RO (void receipt)

The system assigns this document type when you void a receipt.

RS (spread receipt)

The system assigns this document type when you apply a credit memo to an invoice on a zero-amount receipt. The system does not assign this document type when you apply an unapplied receipt to an invoice.

RV (insufficient funds receipt)

The system assigns this document type when a customer does not have sufficient funds in the bank to pay the payment.

RU (unapplied receipt)

The system assigns this document type to a receipt that is not applied to a specific invoice. The system applies this receipt to the customer's overall account to reduce the open balance.

RL (logged receipt)

The system assigns this document type to a receipt that is not associated with a customer or payor.

RR (rounding record)

The system assigns this document type when the receipt is either fully applied on the foreign side, but not fully applied on the domestic side, or fully unapplied on the foreign side, but not fully unapplied on the domestic side. This rounding record is at the receipt level and is not associated with any particular invoice pay item.