Reviewing and Revising Straight-line Rent Information (Release 9.2 Update)

  1. From the Straight-line Rent menu (G1528), select Straight-line Rent Revisions.

  2. On the Straight-line Rent Inquiry form, you can enter optional search criteria in the header or QBE line, and then click Search. Entering search criteria is not required.

  3. Select the Display Previous Generation option to view records for previous generations of straight-line rent information. Records for the previous generation, if they exist, will not include a batch number.

  4. To view all records that are currently marked for Straight-line Rent regeneration, enter a Y in the GC (Generation Control) column of the QBE line, and then click Search.

  5. To roll back to a previous generation, select a record and then select Rollback from the Row menu.

    On the Rollback Confirmation form, click OK. The system returns you to the Straight-line Rent Inquiry form. The record you selected has been deleted. To see the additional changes, click Search.

  6. To revise the GC value for a record, select the row, and then select Update Gen Control from the Row menu.

    On the Update Generation Control window, select or deselect the Generation Control option, and then click OK. The system returns you to the Straight-line Rent Inquiry form, and displays the new value for the GC field in the grid.

    The Update Gen Control row menu option is available only if the processing option settings allow updates to the Generation Control field.

  7. To view the lease details for a specific record, select the record and then select Lease Master from the Row menu.

    Note that when you access the lease master from this row exit, the system populates the Building and Display All Versions fields in the header, and the Lease and Unit fields in the QBE line, using data from the record you select on the Straight-line Rent Inquiry form. You must update these fields if you want to change the search criteria on the Work With Leases form.

  8. From the Straight-line Rent Inquiry form, to revise a record, select the record and then click Select.

    The system displays the Straight-line Rent by Year form, which is read-only. Records are displayed by year, and the GC flag is selected if any records for that year are marked for Straight-line Rent regeneration. To revise information, select a record and then click Select.

    Note that it does not matter which year you select on this form. The system will display all records on the next form. To skip the Straight-line Rent by Year form, you can select Straight-line Rent Revisions from the Row menu.

  9. On the Straight-line Rent Revisions form, review and update any of these fields:

    • Actual Rent

      Enter the amount that is billed or amortized for the period specified.

    • Straight Rent

      Enter the average monthly rent amount that the system calculates when straight-line rent information is generated for the period specified. The system calculates the average monthly rent through the lease effective period based on the actual amounts.

      For example, if the lease starts on January 1, 2007 and ends on December 31, 2008, and the rent is 1000 per month for 2007 and 1200 per month for 2008, the system calculates the straight-line rent as 1100 per month ([1000 × 12 + 1200 × 12) ÷ 24 = 1100).

    • Accr/Defer

      Displays a value that represents the accrual or deferral amount as a result of straight-line rent calculations. The system subtracts the amount in the Straight Rent field from the amount in the Actual Rent field to calculate the accrual or deferral amount. If the number is positive, it represents the accrual amount. If the number is negative, it represents the deferral amount.

    • Adjustment

      Displays a value that represents the FASB adjustment amount for the specified period. The system includes catch-up amounts and the amounts adjusted from converted FASB records.

    • Generation Control

      You can update this field if you want to change the Generation Control flag for all records that match the criteria in the header of the form. This field is enabled only if the processing option settings allow users to update the Generation Control field.