Sales Overage Accruals

You can create accrual entries (F0911 account ledger records only) for leases that are based on sales overages. You create accrual entries based on the Accrual Method field on the Sales Information Revisions form in the sales overage information for the lease. You must also set the Generate Accruals processing option on the Process tab in the R15120 program.

Review the methods for generating sales overage accruals:

  • Accrual Method: Blank

    The system does not generate accruals.

  • Accrual Method: 1

    The system generates the record as a reversing accrual each month, except for the report year-end month.

  • Accrual Method: 2

    The system generates the record as a reversing accrual, regardless of the report year-end month. For the report year-end month, the accrual entry is not reversed.

  • Accrual Method: 3

    The system generates the record as a reversing accrual each month, except for the report year-end month. If actual or estimated sales exceed the actual breakpoint, generate an invoice or voucher, regardless of the reporting month.

When you create accrual entries, the system:

  • Writes records in the Lease Billings Master table (F1511B).

  • Updates the billing control information.

  • Enters a transaction type of A for accruals in the F1511B table.

  • Uses the bill code in the Product Scales Master table (F15014B).

    If this field is blank, the system uses the bill code in the Sales Overage Master File (F15013B).

Note: The system does not write records to the Lease Billings History table (F1511HB). Consequently, no previous gross billings exist.

You can create accrual entries that are based on actual tenant sales from the F1541B table or projected sales from the F1542 table.