
1. Effective Date Selection

Specify the date to assign to the Starting Date field (EFTB) on the recurring billing record that the system generates. Values are:

Blank or 1: Use the date from the corresponding field on the record in the Estimated EP Recurring Billings worktable (F1502WB).

2: Add one month to the value of the Ending Date field (EFTE) on the record in the F1502WB table and use it as the starting date.

2. Months To Billing Term

Specify the number of months to add to the starting date of the recurring billing record, based on the setting of the Effective Date Selection processing option, to determine the ending date to assign to the record.

3. Override Beginning Effective Date

Specify the starting date to assign to the recurring billing records. If you specify a date in this processing option, the system ignores the setting of the Starting Date processing option.

4. Catch-Up Billings

Specify whether to generate a catch-up billing record, based on the method specified in the Catch-Up Billing Calculation Method processing option, to reconcile the amount of the estimated expenses to the actual expense amounts that the system calculated. For example, if the annual amount of the actual expenses is 10,000 and the annual amount of estimated expenses paid is 8,000, the system generates a recurring billing record for the amount of the difference (2,000). Values are:

Blank: Generate.

1: Do not generate.

5. Catch-Up Billing Calculation Method

Specify the method to calculate the catch-up billing record if the Catch-Up Billings processing option is blank. Values are:

Blank: Use the estimated billing amounts.

1: Use the estimated billing amounts less any adjustments, such as write-offs.

2: Use the payment amounts of the estimated billings, including the amount of any unapplied receipts. To include the estimated expenses, you must enter the unapplied receipts for the same bill code.

6. Receivables/Payables Retrieval Date

Specify the date type to use to determine the adjustment and payment records to retrieve from the Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable transaction tables (F03B11, F03B14, F0411, F0414). The system retrieves the records for the billing term based on the date type that you specify. Values are:

Blank: Invoice date

1: Due date.

2: Service or tax date.

3: GL date.