
1. Report Begin Date

Specify the beginning date of the reporting period. The system calculates the projected rent for periods that occur on or between the beginning and ending dates entered in the processing options.

2. Report End Date

Specify the ending date of the reporting period. The system calculates the projected rent for periods that occur on or between the beginning and ending dates entered in the processing options.

3. Bill Code for Vacant Units

Specify a bill code that the system uses to project market rent amounts for vacant units. The bill code instructs the system which AAI account to enter the projected rent amounts for the vacant units. If you leave this processing option blank, the system bypasses vacant units.

4. Billing Frequency Code

Specify the billing frequency that the system uses to project market rent amounts for vacant units.

If you entered a bill code in the previous processing option, then you should enter a billing frequency code. If you enter a bill code in the previous processing option and leave this option blank, the system uses a monthly billing frequency.

5. Square Footage Selection

Specify which square footage the system uses from the Lease Master Detail table (F15017). Values are:

Blank: Use the rentable square footage.

1: Use the usable square footage.

6. Select Area Type

Specify which area type the system retrieves from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to calculate projected rent on vacant space. Values are:

Blank: Use the value from the Alternate Area Type processing option.

1:Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2:Usable Area Type field (USAT).

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

7. Alternate Area Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that specifies which area type the system should use if the Select Area Type processing option is blank.