
1. Annual Inflation Rate

Specify an annual inflation rate if you want the system to assume that leases renew at this rate indefinitely (for example, for 5 percent, enter.05).

If you enter an inflation rate, the system uses it to calculate projected rent amounts for units that have either a gap between occupancies or is projected at market rental rates upon lease expiration. For example, if one lease expires on April 30, 2007, and another lease for the same unit begins on June 1, 2010, the system uses the projected rent amount for the first lease through Dec. 31, 2009, and then multiplies it by the inflation rate entered here to project rent for the unit from Jan. 1, 2010, to May 30, 2010.

2. Renewal

Specify which projected rental amounts the system uses for reporting after the lease has expired. Values are:

Blank: Do not assume renewal of the lease.

1: Assume renewal of the lease.

3. Ledger Type Codes, Actual Lease Amounts, Speculative Lease Amounts, and Unit Square Footage Amounts

Specify ledger type codes. The system enters amounts generated in the rent projection into accounts in the ledger types that you specify. Each time you run the R15660 report, the system clears the accounts in the ledger types and enters the amounts into the appropriate accounts through the bill code specifications and AAIs.

Note: As a precautionary measure to avoid clearing actual amounts, you first must set up these ledger types in UDC table 15/PG in order for the system to recognize these ledger types as eligible to be cleared and then regenerated. The system does not clear ledger types AA, AU, and AZ, regardless of whether they are set up in this UDCs table.
4. Amounts As Credits Or Debits

Specify whether the system enters the projected rent amounts as credits or debits. Values are:

Blank: Debit entries.

1: Credit entries.