Selecting Open Invoices by Remittance

Access the Select Invoices by Remittance form.

T I (type input)

Enter the code that specifies how the system processes a transaction during receipts entry. The system does not process transactions with a blank or invalid type input.

You can enter a type input code to override the default value that is specified in the processing option. However, the system ignores any value that you enter unless you specify a remittance amount for tracking purposes

Invoice Reference

Enter the identification number that the system uses to locate invoice records for receipt matching. The system can locate invoices by these references:

Invoice number

Statement number

Sales order number

Customer reference number

Shipment number

The system uses the value of this field with the processing options on the Match Priority tab to determine which of the five options the value represents, unless you complete the Override Type field.

The system searches the A/R Notification History Detail table (F03B21) to locate the statement number; therefore, you must use the Statement Notification Refresh program (R03B500X) or the Print Statements program (R155001) to generate statements for the system to locate invoices by statement number.

Remittance Amount

Enter the remittance amount. To keep a running total of the remittance amounts, you can complete the Remittance Amount and Remittance Discount fields to update the remittance totals on the bottom of the form; however, the system does not use the amounts that are entered as the payment and discount amounts on the receipts entry form. You must specify the payment amount on the receipts entry form when the system displays the invoices you that specified.

Remittance Discount

Enter the remittance discount. If you have to keep a running total of the remittance amounts, you can complete the Remittance Amount and Remittance Discount fields to update the remittance totals on the bottom of the form; however, the system does not use the amounts that are entered as the payment and discount amounts on the receipts entry form. You must specify the payment amount on the receipts entry form when the system displays the invoices that you specified.

Doc Type (document type)

Enter a code from UDC 00/DT that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as vouchers, invoices, receipts, and timesheets. The reserved document type prefixes for codes are:

P: Accounts payable

R: Accounts receivable

T: Time and Pay

I: Inventory

O: Purchase order

S: Sales order

Doc Co (document company)

Enter the number that, with the document number, document type, and GL date, uniquely identifies an original document, such as an invoice, voucher, or journal entry.

If you use the Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year feature, the Automatic Next Numbers program (X0010) uses the document company to retrieve the correct next number for that company.

If two or more original documents have the same document number and document type, you can use the document company to locate the desired document.

Pay Item

Enter the number that identifies the pay item for a voucher or an invoice. The system assigns the pay item number. If the voucher or invoice has multiple pay items, the numbers are sequential.

Override Type

Enter the number that the system uses to identify which matching process to run to locate invoices. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the matching process that is specified in the processing options for the Standard Receipts Entry program (P03B102). Values are:

1: Invoice Match

2: Sales Order Match

3: Customer Reference Match

4: Statement Number Match

5: Shipment Number Match

To reduce processing time, you can specify the search criteria for the system to use to locate the invoice based on the information that is entered. For example, if you enter an invoice number in the Invoice Reference field, you can enter 1 in this field and the system searches for the invoice by invoice number only and ignores the Match Priority processing options.

Items Found

Displays the number of invoices that the system located based on the information that is provided on the remittance form.