Setting Up Adjustment Amounts

Access the E.P. Class Adjustments Revisions form.

Adjustment Amount

Enter the adjustment amount, in the currency specified by the currency code, that the system adds to the class exposure.

Adjustment Percent

Enter the adjustment percent that the system adds to the class exposure.

CP (calculation placement control)

Enter a value from UDC table 15/PT that specifies the calculation sequence that occurs during expense participation. Values are:

Blank: Apply before administration fee.

1: Apply after administration fee.

2: Apply before adjustment factor.

Cur Cod (currency code)

Enter a code that identifies the currency of a transaction.

On the E.P. Class Adjustments Revisions form, the system displays an informational message ***CLASS ADJUSTMENTS EXIST***.

Note: You can also enter values in the Account Building, Obj Acct (object account), and Sub (subsidiary) fields. If you do not enter values in these fields, the system uses the adjustment amount from the class level, rather than the account level. The system issues a warning that unpredictable results may occur when the adjustment amounts are set at a class level if account overrides exist.