Setting Up Constants

Constants are default settings that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management (REM) system uses to process requests, generate billings, and perform other tasks. You must define certain constants before you enter information for tenants, facilities, and leases.

You can set up constants by building and company. If you do not define constants for the building, the system uses the company constants. If you do not define constants for the company, the system uses the information that is set up for company 00000, which is the default company. All companies and building can use the information that you set up for company 00000.

When you set up constants for company 00000, you also establish system constants. The options that define the system constants, such as versions, area types, and area validations, appear on the Real Estate Management Constants Revisions form only when you are setting up company 00000. When you use a company number other than the default company 00000, the system displays an abbreviated version of the Real Estate Management Constants Revisions form.

The system stores system constant information in the Property Management Constants table (F1510B).

Important: You must log out and log back into the system for constant changes to take effect. In general, do not change system constants after you set up the system. If you do make changes, you must be thoroughly familiar with the information that is involved because it is central to the system processes. You should also ensure that only authorized personnel can access and maintain the constants.
Note: Because you generate invoices and vouchers from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management system, you must also set up the Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP) constants.
See also:

Setting Up Straight-Line Rent Constants (Release 9.2 Update)

You can set up default straight-line rent processing information using the Real Estate Management Constants program. You use straight-line rent constants to define the default values for the following fields:

  • Lease Term Date Selection

    The system uses this value to determine which dates to use when calculating the lease term for straight-line rent processing.

  • Lease Version Date Selection

    The system uses this value to determine whether to use the lease version that is effective on the system date, or the lease version with the latest effective date, when calculating straight-line amounts.

  • Append on Regeneration

    The system uses this option to determine whether the system uses the Append method when regenerating straight-line rent information after a lease has changed.

    When the option is selected, the system retains the existing records in the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B) that were created from the previous run of the Straight-line Rent Generation program (R15130), and the results from the current run are appended to the results of the previous run. The system updates all records to use the new batch number from the second run of the R15130.

    When the option is not selected, the system deletes the F1513B records from the previous run of the R15130 when you rerun the R15130. The only results are the results of the current run.

    When appending results from two runs of the R15130, the lease term of the previous run must not overlap with the lease term of the new run. If the lease terms overlap, then you must deselect this option so that the system deletes the F1513B records from the previous run while generating amounts for the new lease term.

    When running the R15130 to append results of a lease term that ends mid-month and a lease term that starts mid-month, the Prorate Partial Month Rents processing option should be set to 1 (prorate partial month rents). If you set the Prorate Partial Month Rents processing option to 2 (prorate on a 30 day month) or 3 (prorate on a 31 day month), the results might be incorrect depending on the partial month being processed.

As with other constants, you set up straight-line rent constant information at the building, company, or default (company 00000) level.

After you set up constants, the default values are automatically added to leases that are created. If the processing option settings in the P1501 and P1502 are set to allow straight-line rent setup overrides, you can update the values on the lease or recurring billing records, and then click OK to save your changes.

See Understanding Straight-line Rent Processing for Leases and Understanding Recurring Billing Information for more information.


When you set up straight-line rent information in the Real Estate Management Constants, the system does not automatically update existing leases. To update existing leases, you must access the Lease Straight-line Rent Setup form, by selecting the Setup Straight-line form menu option from the Lease Master Revisions form.

When you access this form the first time after the straight-line rent constants have been defined, the system automatically creates a record in the Lease Straight-line Rent Setup table (F15131), and populates it with the default values from the constants.

Setting Constants for Balance Sheet Lessee Accounting (Release 9.2 Update)

Several new fields have been added to the Real Estate Management constants that enable users to set default values for balance sheet lessee accounting. The fields include:

  • Lease Classification

    Use this option to specify the default value classification of the lease for accounting purposes. The lease can be a finance lease, operating lease, or not on the balance sheet.

    This field only appears on the constants if the company is Company 00000, and the Building field does not have a value. Users can override this value on the lease.

  • Reasonably Certain to Exercise Option

    Select this option to indicate that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise the purchase option. The purchase option can be to purchase the asset, renew the lease, or terminate the lease.

    This option only appears on the constants if the company is Company 00000, and the Building field does not have a value. Users can override this value on the lease.

  • Generate Unit Asset

    Select this option if you want the system to automatically generate an asset record when you create a unit record. This option can be set for Company 00000 and also on company or company/building constants.

  • Activate Balance Sheet Accounting

    Use this option to indicate whether lessee accounting is recognizing leased assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. If you do not select this option, payments for leased assets are expensed using the RM AAI account. If you select this option, the system tracks lease liability on the balance sheet, and payments for leased assets use the lessee accounting AAIs for the specific lease type instead. Once you have activated balance sheet accounting, you should not deactivate it.

  • Populate Subledger (Release 9.2 Update)

    Use this option to indicate whether or not the system creates journal entries for the Lessee Balance Sheet Accounting AAIs by subledger. If you select this option, the system uses the asset number as the subledger and E as the subledger type.