Setting Up Constants

Access the Real Estate Management Constants Revisions form.

Company or Building

Enter a value in either of these fields.

Revenue Business Unit Flag

Enter the code that specifies the method that the system uses to retrieve the business unit, which determines the revenue account. Values are:

0: The system uses the building number as the revenue business unit, regardless of any business unit that is defined in the AAIs.

1: The system uses the business unit that is defined in the PMxxxx AAIs. If no business unit is defined in these AAIs, the system uses the building number. To direct revenues to business units other than the building, you must enter a value of 1.

Note: The Expense Account AAIs (RMxxxx) are used in the same way during Accounts Payable processing as the Revenue Account AAIs (PMxxxx) are used during Accounts Receivable processing.
Lease Year Beginning Month

Enter the value that corresponds to the beginning month of a standard lease year. Although various leases may start on different dates throughout the year, they can share the same annual schedule that the property manager establishes. If you do not know the beginning month, enter 01 for January.

Report Year Begin Month

Enter the month that defines the beginning of the year for tenant sales analysis purposes. This value is used in sales analysis processing to determine which months are to be included in quarter-to-date (QTD) and year-to-date (YTD) numbers. If you do not know the beginning month, enter 01 for January.

Tax Suppress

If you select this check box, the system bypasses tax processing and does not display tax processing fields. If you do not select this check box, the system processes taxes. Individual forms and reports may have processing options that override the value that is entered here.

Note: You can only enter a value in this field when you are setting up constants for company 00000.
Activate Versioning

If you select this check box, the edits and options for lease versioning are active. If you do not select this check box, versioning is not active.

Note: You can only use this field when you are setting up constants for company 00000.
Hard Versioning Error

If you select this check box, the system only allows you to make changes to the latest version of the lease. The system displays a message that indicates that the version is locked when you access any other versions of the lease. If you do not select this check box, the system allows you to make changes to all versions of a lease.

You can only select this check box if you select the Activate Versioning check box.

Note: You can only use this field when you are setting up constants for company 00000.
Rentable Area Type

Enter a user-defined code (UDC) from UDC table 15/AR that defines the rentable area.

Note: You can only use this field when you are setting up constants for company 00000.
Validate Rentable Area

If you select this check box, the system validates the rentable area when you are entering building, floor, and unit information. If you do not select this check box, the system does not validate the information.

When the system validates the rentable area, the total square footage of the floors cannot exceed the total square footage of the building.

Note: You can only use this field when you are setting up constants for company 00000.
Usable Area Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that defines the usable area.

Note: You can only use this field when you are setting up constants for company 00000.
Validate Usable Area

The system validates the usable area when you enter building, floor, and unit information. This field is only valid for company 00000.

Note: The total square footage of the floors cannot exceed the total square footage of the building.
Alt. Area Type 1 (alternate area type 1), Alt. Area Type 2 (alternate area type 2), and Alt. Area Type 3 (alternate area type 2)

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that specifies an area type other than the rentable or usable area types.

Note: You can only use this field when you are setting up constants for company 00000.
Validate Alt. Area 1 (validate alternate area 1), Validate Alt. Area 2 (alternate area type 2), and Validate Alt. Area 3 (validate alternate area 3)

If you select this check box, the system validate alternate area 1, alternate area 2, and alternate area 3 when you enter building, floor, and unit information.


For validation purposes, the total square footage of the floors cannot exceed the total square footage of the building.

You can only enter a value in this field when you are setting up constants for company 00000.

Lease Term Dates Selection (Release 9.2 Update)

A value that specifies the dates that the system uses to determine the straight-line rent term when generating straight-line amounts. Values are:

Blank: Use the begin date and end date on the lease.

1: Use the move-in date and plan-out date for the unit on the lease.

2: Use the commitment begin date and plan-out date for the unit on the lease.

9: Use user-defined lease term dates.

Note that option 9 is available only when using the Lease Straight-line Rent Setup (P15131) program.

Lease Version Date Selection (Release 9.2 Update)

A value that specifies the dates that the system uses to determine the lease version when generating straight-line rent amounts. Values are:

Blank: System Date

1: Latest Version Effective Date

9: User Defined Lease Version Date

Note that option 9 is available only when using the Lease Straight-line Setup (P15131) program.

Append on Regeneration (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this option to determine whether the system uses the Append method when regenerating straight-line rent information after a lease has changed.

When the option is selected, the system retains the existing records in the Straight-line Rent Lease Control table (F1513B) that were created from the previous run of the Straight-line Rent Generation program (R15130), and the results from the current run are appended to the results of the previous run. The system updates all records to use the new batch number from the second run of the R15130.

When the option is not selected, the system deletes the F1513B records from the previous run of the R15130 when you rerun the R15130. The only results are the results of the current run.

When appending results from two runs of the R15130, the lease term of the previous run must not overlap with the lease term of the new run. If the lease terms overlap, then you must deselect this option so that the system deletes the F1513B records from the previous run while generating amounts for the new lease term.

When running the R15130 to append results of a lease term that ends mid-month and a lease term that starts mid-month, the Prorate Partial Month Rents processing option should be set to 1 (prorate partial month rents). If you set the Prorate Partial Month Rents processing option to 2 (prorate on a 30 day month) or 3 (prorate on a 31 day month), the results might be incorrect depending on the partial month being processed.

Lease Classification (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this option to specify the default classification of the lease for accounting purposes. The lease can be a finance lease, operating lease, or not on the balance sheet.

This field only appears on the constants if the company is Company 00000, and the Building field does not include a value. Users can override this value on the lease. Values are:

Blank: Not on the balance sheet

1: Operating lease

2: Finance lease

Reasonably Certain to Exercise Option (Release 9.2 Update)

Select this option to indicate that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise the purchase option. This option is informational only and indicates whether the lessee has the intent to purchase the asset, renew the lease, or terminate the lease.

This option only appears on the constants if the company is Company 00000, and the Building field does not include a value. Users can override this value on the lease. Values are:

0 (Not Selected): Not expected to exercise option.

1 (Selected): Reasonably certain to exercise option.

Generate Unit Asset (Release 9.2 Update)

Select this option to specify that the system automatically creates an asset when adding a unit. Values are:

0 (Not Selected): Do not automatically create an asset.

1 (Selected): Automatically create an asset.

Activate Balance Sheet Accounting (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this option to indicate whether lessee accounting is recognizing leased assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. If you do not select this option, payments for leased assets are expensed using the RM AAI account. If you select this option, the system tracks lease liability on the balance sheet, and payments for leased assets use the lessee accounting AAIs for the specific lease type instead. Once you have activated balance sheet accounting, you should not deactivate it.

Populate Subledger (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this option to indicate whether or not the system creates journal entries for the Lessee Balance Sheet Accounting AAIs by subledger. If you select this option, the system uses the asset number as the subledger and E as the subledger type.