Setting Up User-Defined Codes

UDC values are required in many fields in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management system. In these fields, the system only accept codes that are defined in a UDC table. Some UDCs are hard-coded, and others you can define to meet the needs of the organization. Some UDCs contain a special handling code, which directs the system to perform a specific function. Set up UDC values to define codes that are appropriate for the business needs, such as business unit types, tenant lease types, lease status codes, and log classes.

This table describes the UDCs that are used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Real Estate Management system:



Business Unit Type (00/MC)

Defines the types of business units with which you work, such as office building or warehouse. In general, you use this code to differentiate the properties and buildings that you manage. In addition, you can use this code to separate the Real Estate Management business unit types from other types of business units.

Unit Type (15/UT)

Defines the types of units that consist of rentable areas for which leases exist, such as office, condo, apartment, or retail store.

Unit Usage (15/UU)

Defines how a unit is used, such as storage or parking.

Unit Status (15/US)

Defines the status of a unit, such as occupied or vacant.

Lease Type (15/LT)

Defines the types of leases for billing and reporting purposes, such as operating agreement or sublease.

Special handling codes are:

O: Enter this value in the first position of the Description 2 field to indicate that the lease type is open-ended.

S: Enter this value in the first position of the Description 2 field to indicate that the lease type is a sublease.

NA: Enter this value in the first two positions of the Description 2 field to indicate that the lease as speculative.

Lease Status (15/LS)

Defines the status of a lease for billing and reporting purposes, such as expired, holdover, or terminated.

Special handling codes are:

O: Enter this value in the first position of the Description 2 field to indicate that the lease type is open-ended.

X: Enter this value in the first position of the Description 2 field to indicate that the lease status is inactive.

Log Class (15/LG)

Defines the types of information that a log line can contain. This can further describe a lease or facility.

For leases, the log class can define terms and conditions such as insurance.

For facilities, the log class can define building permits, features and amenities, and fire protection systems.

You can enter any combination of these special handling codes to specify the log class when multiple values are applicable:

B: Enter this value in the first position of the Description 2 field to indicate that the log class is a building.

F: Enter this value in the first position of the Description 2 field to indicate that the log class is a floor.

L: Enter this value in the first position of the Description 2 field to indicate that the log class is a lease.

O: Enter this value in the first position of the Description 2 field to indicate that the log class is an option.

U: Enter this value in the first position of the Description 2 field to indicate that the log class is a unit.

Blank: Leave the Description 2 field blank to indicate that the log class applies to all.

Log Amenity ID (15/AM)

Defines the facility amenities that are identified in a log line, such as the number of rentable units and elevator banks, and seating capacity.

Tenant Sales Product Code (15/PC)

Defines another level of detail for goods that are sold by tenants, such as jewelry or office furnishings for a retail store.

Tenant Sales Report Type (15/RT)

Defines the types of sales reports that are provided by tenants, such as estimated, actual, or verbal.

Tenant Sales Adjustment Type (15/AT)

Defines the adjustment reasons or causes for changes in originally reported sales, such as a correction or a miscellaneous adjustment.

Revenue Fee Type (15/FE)

Defines the types of fees that the system uses to calculate revenue, such as lease commissions or management fees.

Special handling codes are:

LS: Enter this value in the first two positions of the Description 2 field to indicate that the revenue fee type is lease-based.

CCAR: Enter this value in the first four positions of the Description 2 field to indicate that the revenue fee type is based on a business unit from the Accounts Receivable system.

CCGL: Enter this value in the first four positions of the Description 2 field to indicate that the revenue fee type is based on a business unit from the General Accounting system.

Fee & Interest Type (15/FY)

Defines the types of fees and interest that the system uses to generate charges against invoices, such as delinquency fees and security deposit interest.

Area Type (15/AR)

Defines the types of area that the system uses to calculate rent, such as rentable area or usable area.

Space Detail Hierarchy (15/HI)

Defines the hierarchy level for space detail options, such as first, second, or final.

Option Status (15/OS)

Defines the status of an option type, such as approved, declined, or expired.

Option Amount Type (15/TA)

Defines the amount type for the option, such as, dollars, percentage, or number of spaces.

Offer Status (15/OF)

Defines the status of the option offer, such as accepted or declined.

Standard Option Level (15/SL)

Defines whether the option is a lease or tenant level standard. The values of T (tenant level) and L (lease level), which are the only values for the UDC, are hard-coded and should not be changed.

Recurring Option (15/RO)

Defines whether the option standard is a recurring option throughout the term of the lease.

Clause Key Level (15/CK)

Defines whether the clause is lease-level or tenant-level. The values of T (tenant level) and L (lease level), which are the only values for the UDC, are hard-coded and should not be changed.

Escrow Deposit Type (15/ED)

Defines the types of escrow deposits, such as utility, security, or key deposit.

Straight-line Rent Lease Term Dates (15/FD) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines which dates the system uses to define the lease term dates.

Lease Version Selection (15/LV) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines which date is used to determine the lease version that is currently active.

Lease Header Category Code 01-05 (15/D1 - 15/D5) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines additional information about the lease header that is not stored in other fields. Category code fields can be configured to meet your business needs.

Lease Detail Category Code 11-15 (15/B1 - 15/B5) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines additional information about the lease detail that is not stored in other fields. Category code fields can be configured to meet your business needs.

Lease Classification (15/LL) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines the type of lease for balance sheet accounting.

Effect on Lease Liability (15/LA) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines how the specified asset impacts the lease liability calculation for balance sheet accounting.

Effect on ROU Asset (15/LB) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines how the specified asset impacts the right of use asset calculation for balance sheet accounting.

Amortization Schedule Type (15/AS) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines whether the type of amortization schedule is a lease liability or ROU asset schedule.

Payment Method (15/PA) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines whether the payment is in advance or in arrears.

Lease Liability Status (15/LD) (Release 9.2 Update)

Defines the status of the lease line for balance sheet accounting processes.