Setting Up Tenant Exclusion Rules

Access the Tenant Exclusion Revisions form.

Tenant Exclusion Revisions form
Tenant Exclusion Rule

Enter the code that identifies the tenant exclusion rule.

For example, a tenant exclusion rule might specify to deduct amounts associated with bill code EXPA from all tenants who lease any unit that is defined as an anchor and that has an area of more than 5,000 square feet.

The system does not include amounts specified by the tenant exclusion rule when it calculates the tenant's share factor.

Area Method

Enter a code from UDC table 15/DM that specifies the value to retrieve from the Gross Lease Occupied Areas table (F15141) when the system calculates the tenant exclusion rule. Values are:

1: Gross leaseable area (GLA).

2: Gross lease occupied area (GLOA).

3: Average leaseable area.

4: Average lease occupied area.

Area Definition ID

Enter a value that defines the area type, such as rentable or usable.

Note: You must specify the same area definition ID that was used in the Gross Lease Occupancy Refresh program (R15141) to generate the information in the F15141 table or the system does not exclude any area.
EP Unit Type (expense participation unit type)

Enter a code from UDC table 15/EU that identifies the unit for expense participation exclusions.

If you specify a value in the Tenant Exclusion Area Value field, you must specify a non-blank, valid E.P. unit type. The system does not consider areas for units with a blank E.P. unit type, regardless of whether it exists in UDC table 15/EU.

Tenant Exclusion Area Value

Enter the control area to which the system compares the area of the unit from the Gross Lease Occupied Areas table (F15141) to determine whether to subtract the amounts billed to these units from the class exposure. The system excludes amounts that are associated with units that have an area greater than the value specified for the class exposure.

The system uses the tenant exclusion rule only when you assign it to the expense participation information that you set up for the lease.

If you specified an E.P. unit type, the system uses the tenant exclusion area value and the E.P. unit type. For example, if the E.P. unit type is ANC and the value in this field is 10,000, the system excludes units that are assigned an E.P. unit type of ANC and have more than 10,000 square feet from the tenant's area used for the numerator in the expense participation calculation.

Bill Code 1through Bill Code 10

Enter bill codes that identify the amounts to exclude from the tenant's contribution as part of the tenant exclusion rule. You must specify a value in at least one of the bill code fields, or the system does not exclude amounts.