Understanding Adjustments to the Class Exposure

You can adjust the class exposure by multiplying by a percentage, adding or subtracting an amount, excluding account information, and so forth. This table describes adjustments to the class exposure and lists the program and form name that you use to define the adjustments:

Adjustment Type


Program and Form Name

Account overrides

You can specify the accounts to exclude from the class exposure. The system subtracts the amounts posted to the accounts from the class exposure.

E.P. Class Information (P1530), E.P. Class Account Overrides Revisions form.

Tenant exclusion rule or exclusion override

You can set up a rule that excludes amounts from the class exposure, based on bill code, E.P. unit type, and area. After you set up the tenant exclusion rule in the Tenant Exclusion Revisions program (P150120), you assign it to the appropriate expense class in the E.P. Information program (P15012).

You can also specify an amount that overrides the exclusion amount from the tenant exclusion rule.

For example, you might have expense participation information set up to exclude tenant contributions for utilities the first year, based on the amounts billed, but decide to exclude a defined amount the next year regardless of the billed amount.

E.P. Information (P15012), E.P. Information Revisions form

Base exclusion amount

You can specify a base exclusion amount that can be increased (compounded) by a percentage for each year that the tenant participates, which the system subtracts from the class exposure. When you set up a base exclusion amount, you must specify the year that it occurs. You can use a processing option to determine whether the system excludes the base amount for the year following the beginning year or the same year. The system subtracts the base exclusion amount as the final adjustment to the class exposure, if specified.

You can also set up base exclusion groups, which enables you to specify a base exclusion across multiple E.P. classes.

E.P. Information (P15012), E.P. Information Revisions form


You can add or subtract an adjustment amount from the class exposure. You can also specify when the system applies the administration fee adjustment.

E.P. Information program (P15012), E.P. Information Revisions form

E.P. Class Information (P1530), E.P. Class Information Revisions form

E.P. Class Information (P1530), E.P. Class Account Overrides Revisions form

Min/Max adjustments

You can specify a minimum or maximum amount against which the total exposure is compared, and for which the system generates adjustment amounts.

If the total exposure is less than the minimum amount specified, the system adjusts it to use the minimum amount. If the total exposure is greater than the maximum amount specified, the system adjusts it to use the maximum amount.

E.P. Information program (P15012), Expense Participation Adjustments form

Adjustment factors

You can specify the percentage by which the total expenses for the expense class (class exposure) is multiplied to adjust the amount in which tenants participate. For example, if the landlord agrees to pay 10 percent of the operating expenses, you can adjust the class exposure accordingly by multiplying it by 90 percent.

E.P. Information (P15012), Expense Participation Adjustments form

Adjustment amounts

You can add a specific adjustment amount or percentage to the class exposure.

E.P. Class Information (P1530), E.P. Class Adjustments Revisions form

Gross up percentage

You can multiply the class exposure by a gross-up percentage. The system uses the gross-up percentage only when you specify the computation methods N or O (for computing the area of the building), or U or Y (for computing the area of the property) in the E.P. Information program (P15012).

See Understanding the Gross Up Factor.

E.P. Information (P15012), Expense Participation Adjustments form

E.P. Class Information (P1530), E.P. Class Information Revisions form

E.P. Class Information (P1530), E.P. Class Account Overrides Revisions form

The system stores the E.P. class account override information in the Expense Participation Class Account Overrides table (F15301).