Understanding Tenant Exclusion Rules

You can set up tenant exclusion rules that enable you to subtract certain tenant contributions from the total class exposure in the Tenant Exclusion Revisions program (P150120). The system identifies the amounts to exclude by E.P. unit type, area value, and bill code. For example, you can exclude all amounts associated with bill code EXPE (estimated expense participation billing) for units assigned an E.P unit type of ANC (anchor) that have a square footage of 15,000 or more.

Based on the bill codes that you enter, the system retrieves the amounts to subtract from either the Customer Ledger table (F03B11) or the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411), depending on the lease. Based on the area method and area definition ID that you specify, the system locates unit areas from information in the Gross Lease Occupied Areas table (F15141). You must specify the same area definition ID that was used in the Gross Lease Occupancy Refresh program (R15141) to generate the information in table F15141 or the system does not exclude any area.

After you set up the tenant exclusion rule, assign it to the expense participation information that you set up for the lease in the E.P. Information program (P15012). You must also specify the same calculation method that was used in the Gross lease Occupancy Refresh program (R15141). The system calculates the tenant exclusion amount when you run the E.P. Calculation Generation program (R15110).

The system stores tenant exclusion rules in the Tenant Exclusion Header table (F150120) and the Tenant Exclusion Detail table (F150121).