Understanding Deleting and Voiding Receipts

When you cannot revise the information on a receipt, such as the payor or the general ledger date, you must delete or void the receipt. You follow the same steps to delete and void a receipt: if the receipt is unposted, you delete the receipt and the system removes all the receipt detail records; if the receipt is posted, you void the receipt and the system creates new reversing records.

When you delete or void a receipt, the system:

  • Restores the open amount of the invoice or group of invoices to which the receipt applied.

  • Changes the pay status on the invoices from paid (P) to approved (A).

Additionally, if you void a receipt, the system:

  • Marks the receipt as voided in the Receipts Header table (F03B13).

  • Creates new records in the Batch Control Records (F0011) and Receipts Detail (F03B14) tables.

You must post the new batch to update the general ledger accounts with reversing information. When you post a voided receipt, the system creates a record in the Account Ledger table (F0911) with the document type RO.