Understanding Receipt Revisions

After you enter receipts, you might have to revise them. For example, you might have applied a receipt to the wrong invoice or customer, or used the wrong general ledger date. Depending on the posting status and the data you are changing, delete or void the receipt, and then enter it again.

You can revise unposted receipts that are in the current general ledger period only, unless you enable the Allow PBCO Postings option within the General Accounting constants.

This table describes the fields that you can revise based on the type of receipt:

Type of Receipt

Field Description

Unposted receipts

You can revise these fields on an unposted receipt:

  • Bank Account

  • Remark

  • Receipt Amount

    Note: If you revise the receipt amount, you must also revise the payment amount information in the detail area.

  • Payment Instrument

  • Cleared Date

  • Unapplied GL Offset

  • Receipt Reference

  • Lease*

  • Building*

  • Unit*

* These fields can be revised only on unapplied receipts, and only when you use the RE Receipts Entry program (P15103).

You can also change the payment amount or type input code, remove invoice pay items, or select other invoices to pay.

Posted receipts

After you post a receipt, you can change the information in these fields only:

  • Remark

  • Payment Instrument

  • Cleared Date

  • Receipt Reference

You do not have to post the receipt again.

You can also void invoice pay items and specify new invoices to pay. If you revise payment information, you must post the receipt again.


Depending on the setup of the AAI item for the receivables trade account (RC), the system might generate an error when you try to revise the building on an unposted receipt.

When you enter an unapplied receipt, the system uses the default AAI item RCUC to retrieve the AR trade account unless you enter an unapplied general ledger offset. If you enter an unapplied general ledger offset, the system uses the account that is set up for AAI item RCxxxx, where xxxx is the value of the general ledger offset. If the AAI does not have a business unit specified, the system uses the building number (MCU2) that is entered on the unapplied receipt as the business unit for the account. The system updates the AID field of the Receipts Header record (F03B13) based on the account that is retrieved from the AAI.

If you change the building number on an unapplied receipt, the system does not rewrite the value of AID field. Based on the AAI setup, if the system determines that a different account should be updated to the AID field, it generates an error. You must delete the unapplied receipt and re-enter it.