Understanding Log Standards

Log information describes a lease or facility. For leases, the log information defines the terms and conditions of the lease, such as critical dates, lease options, and text descriptions. For facilities, log information might define the areas that you use for expense participation, critical dates, the number of units within a building or on a floor, tenant improvements, or inspection of the sprinkler system.

When you use logs, each type of information that you track is a log class. You can set up log classes by building, floor, unit, or lease.


The system provides additional attributes functionality that allows you to track, search and report on the features of buildings, floors, and units.

See Working with Attributes.

This table lists each log standard and its corresponding log standard type and log classes:

Log Standard

Log Standard Type

Log Classes

Building or Properties

Business Unit Type (00/MC)

For the building, you can track:

  • Date information (when you built or acquired the building).

  • Mortgage information.

  • Insurance information.

  • Tax assessment information.


Area Grouping Code (15/GC)

For the floor, you can track:

  • Number of rest rooms

  • Number of elevators


Unit Type (15/UT)

For the unit, you can track:

  • Areas to use in EP

  • Raised flooring

  • Handicap ramps

  • Number of parking spaces

  • Number of rest rooms


Lease type (15/LT)

For the lease, you can track:

  • Mortgage information

  • Tenant improvements

  • First renewal options

  • Lease abstracts

(Release 9.2 Update) Additional asset-related fields have been added to the Lease Log to enable you to track information by unit (property asset) or asset (non-property asset) on lessee leases.

If you use the same logs to track similar information on the lease or facility, you can use the Log Standards Information program (P1523) to create log standards. Log standards are templates or models that you use to track the same information for the same types of leases, buildings, floors, and units. Log standards simplify the setup process for individual leases and facilities and help reduce the possibility of errors.

When you set up log standards, you must set up the log standard level to identify whether the log pertains to the building, floor, unit, or lease.

When you set up log lines, you can specify whether they are required. For example, you might make the log line for insurance information required so that a critical date is entered to indicate when insurance information must be received.

You can update log information when necessary by revising. deleting, or adding log lines, deleting lines within logs. When you revise the log standard, you change the current information for that log standard from that point forward. Logs that are already attached to leases or facilities do not change.

Additionally, you can attach a media object (for example, a lease abstract) to a log standard. Every time that you copy the log standard, the system includes the attached media object.

The system provides processing options that enable you to copy log standards automatically when you add a new lease, building, floor, or unit. If you do not set the processing option, you can copy log standards manually. To copy log standards manually, you must access the program that corresponds to the log level:

  • The Property/Building Information program (P15062) for the building.

  • The Floor Information program (P1506) for the floor.

  • The Unit Information program (P15217) for the unit.

  • The Lease Information program (P1501) for the lease.

In each of these programs, you can select Log Details on the Form menu to access the Log Detail form. From the Log Detail form, you can select Copy Logs on the Form menu.