Understanding New Lease Entry

As an alternative to entering the lease and then setting up information for other programs separately, you can use the New Lease Entry program (P15010) to help you set up the lease and enter additional information at the same time. The P15010 program gives you access to the same programs as from the Form menu on the Lease Master Revisions form, and additionally you can access the New Manual Billing Entry program (P15111) to specify whether to print a lease master listing. You can use the P15111 program to enter manual billing records, as necessary.

Note: The P15111 program is available from the P15010 program only. If you click the button to enter manual billings, the system does not return you to the New Lease Setup form until you exit the New Manual Billing form.

The New Lease Setup form appears automatically only after you enter a new lease. After you exit the form, you cannot access it again for an existing lease.

See Understanding Manual Billing Entry.