Viewing Additional Information on the Map

In addition to locating properties on the map, you can view the following information:

  • Rentable and usable space

    You can view the rentable and usable space for a property if you hover over the property on the map. The legend displays the space available or rentable in the unit of measure in which you set up the building information, such as square feet or meters. You must have the rentable and usable space set up by using the REN (rentable) and USE (usable) codes, respectively, for the area type in the building setup.

  • Top 5 Tenants

    The information about the top 5 tenants helps you efficiently manage the properties and streamline your interactions with the respective tenants, managers, lenders, and owners. If you click the marker on the map, a red bubble icon appears on the map and the top 5 tenants of a property/building is displayed on the left panel. To enlarge the map, you can click on the enlarge icon.