Building a Package

Access the Work With Package Build Definition form.

  1. Select Active/Inactive from the Row menu to activate the package.

  2. Select Submit Build from the Row menu when you are ready to initiate the package build.

  3. Select one of these options and click OK.

    • On Screen

    • To Printer

      The form closes and the system begins building the package. Build time varies, depending on the number and size of the items in the package. A build could take five minutes for a small package, or several hours for a full package that contains all applications. When the build finishes, the report either appears on the screen or prints, depending on the destination that you specified.

  4. Review the report to make sure that all components in the package were built successfully.

    If the report indicates any errors, review the error logs for more detail.

    If the package build finishes successfully, you can schedule the package for deployment.