Insert of 32-bit Files

This process queries the F9860 table for all objects. It checks each object to see if there is a file associated with it on the Deployment Server under the path code that it is converting. The include, source, and res is then inserted into the F98780R and F98780H tables along with the central object specs.

The objects that have files associated with them are business functions, tables, business views, UBEs, and applications. All business functions and tables have a file. Business functions that are NER (N*.c) and tables with TER(f*.c) have a file, but in Tools Release, the files are not loaded into the repository. There is no need to store these in the repository because these are generated during the package build process and during the OMW process. If a business view has a .h file, the file is named B<view name>.h. If a UBE has a .h file, the file is named <ube name>.h. Applications might have a bitmap associated with them and it would be located in the res directory.

The process produces these logs:

  • APPLog.log

  • UBELog.log

  • BSFNLog.log

  • BSVWLog.log

  • TBLELog.log

  • GTLog.log

  • DSTRLog.log

  • NotInsertLog.log

  • MisMatchLog.log

  • NotCheckinLog.log

  • 88ObjLog.log

The first seven logs list all objects that were selected from the F9860 table and processed. Inclusion in these logs does not mean that there was a file associated with an object, just that it was selected from the F9860 table.

For example:

Fri Mar 02 00:16:48  -           0 - BSFN Name B0100084
Fri Mar 02 00:16:52  -           1 - BSFN Name B0101500
Fri Mar 02 00:16:57  -          54 - APPL Name P43250
Fri Mar 02 00:17:36  -         503 - APPL Name P4371

where it is formatted:

<date and time> - <sequence> <object type> Name <name of object>.

The <sequence> is the sequence of when it was retrieved from the database.

The remaining logs and their contents are:

  • NotInsertLog.log. Lists the objects that were not inserted into the database because there were no files associated with the objects.

  • NotCheckinLog.log. Lists all objects that were not checked into the path code.

  • 88ObjLog.log. Lists all objects that were at a system code 88 or Not Applicable.

  • MisMatchLog.log. Lists all the objects that might have a file but when the process tried to insert it into the database, the file was not found. Many of these will be NER, which does not matter because they are not needed.