
During the insert into the repository, logs are produced under the <package name>/work directory.The following three processes perform inserts into the database and produce logs:

  • Insert of 32-bit Files. If running a foundation that is 32-bit or your path code is only 32-bit, the process retrieves the include, source, and res files from the Deployment Server path code and inserts the include, source, and res files into the database.

  • Insert of 64-bit Files. If after process one, the package is built with a foundation that is 64-bit, the process retrieves the record from the F9870R, converts the include and source into include64 and source64, and inserts all four back into the repository.

  • Insert of 32-bit and 64-bit Files. If process one has never been performed and the foundation is 64-bit, the process retrieves the include, source, and res files from the Deployment Server path code, converts the include and source to include64 and source64, and then inserts all four files into the database. For applications, it inserts the res bitmaps associated with that application and there is no conversion with the bitmaps.