Customizations Detail Report

The details are shown in a parent-child hierarchy where the top-most parent is the object, followed by each type of change to the APPL objects.

The parent section of the Customization Detail Report has these items.

Column Heading


Object Name

Shows the object name and version


Shows the description of the object

Product code

Shows the product code for the object

Source Path code

Shows the source path code

Target Path code

Shows the target path code

ESU Match Status

Show whether the source and target path codes are at the same ESU level for the specific Application object

The child section of the Customization Detail report has these columns.

Column Heading


Control Category

Shows the category type

Form Name

Shows the form name

Control Type

Show the type of control

Control Name

Shows the ID of control

Customization Type

Shows the description of each customization

  • Any form control that has simple UI customization along with event rule changes is skipped and a message is logged in jde.log file.

  • If the customization involves moving a control that is designated as a tab stop to another tab, changes the tab sequence of both the source tab and target tab pages.

  • If the ESU level of the source and target path codes are not at the same level for a specific object, the report might indicate that a given customization is present when it is not (i.e. false positive result).