Decustomizations Summary

The Decustomizations Summary gives an overview of the impact of customizations to the APPL objects. The Decustomizations Summary section contains the following:

Decustomizations Summary Statement

The Decustomizations Summary statement contains embedded values (xx) within a sentence. The sentence reads:

       System has  xx  customized objects impacting  xx Product Codes.

The Decustomizations Summary statement section contains the following:

Column Heading


System has xx

This refers to the unique count of APPL objects that have been customized

customized objects impacting

These objects could have many versions

xx product codes.

This shows the unique count of all Product Codes affected across the selected path codes

Summary by Path Code

This section shows the number of APPL objects affected in the target path code.

The Summary by Path code section has these columns:

Column Heading


Source Path code

Shows the source path code

Target Path code

Shows the target path code

Number of Objects

Shows number of objects affected in the target path code

Summary by Object Type

This section shows the object type affected by customizations and shows the number of objects affected for this object type. The summary lists only the APPL object type that is affected.

The Summary by Object Type section has these columns:

Column Heading


Object Type

Shows the APPL object type affected by customizations

Number of Objects

Shows the number of objects affected for the APPL object type

Summary by Product Code

This section shows all Product Codes affected by customizations and shows the number of objects affected for each Product Code.

The Summary by Product Code section has these columns:

Column Heading


Product Code

Shows all the product codes affected by customizations

Product Code Description

Shows the description of each product code

Number of Objects

Shows the number of objects affected for each product code

Customized Application Objects

This section lists all the Application objects that have been customized. This section does not list versions for the objects.

The Customized Application Objects list has these columns for each object:

Column Heading


Object Name

Shows the application affected by customizations

Product Code

Shows all Product Codes affected by customizations

Source Path code

Shows the source path code

Target Path code

Shows the target path code

ESU Match Status

Show whether the source and target path codes are at the same ESU level for the specific Application object

Object Description

Shows the description of the object