Starting JD Edwards ER Compare

JD Edwards ER Compare can be started from FDA or directly from OMW.

When JD Edwards ER Compare starts, a window appears. On this window, entitled Select the Location of Source Specifications, select one of these locations:

  • Central Objects Path Code

    Enter the server location of the source object (the object to which you want to compare the local ER).

  • Remote Specifications Location

    Enter the TAM location of the source object (the object to which you want to compare the local ER). ESUs are delivered in a TAM package, so use this method to compare the local ER to an object packaged in an ESU.

  • Software Update Backup

    After applying a software update, use this tool to retrofit custom ER from the customized copy on the ESU backup.

Note: Starting JD Edwards ER Compare under FDA freezes all other programs running on your system, including FDA itself. Finish your work in JD Edwards ER Compare and then exit ER Compare to restore normal operation. The purpose of this action is to prevent two programs from potentially modifying the same set of specifications at the same time.