Item Master Overview

This chapter provides detailed information about the business interfaces that are available for the Item Master business object.

This table lists all of the available interface components:

Interface Type

Available Interfaces

Business Services

The Item Master business object uses these business service methods, which are documented under the InventoryManager web service (JP410000) documentation:

  • getCalculatedAvailability

  • getItem Availability

  • getItemSearch

  • process InventoryItem

  • process InventoryItemV2

  • Insert InventoryItemStaging

  • Insert InventoryItemStagingV2

See Item Branch Master Business Services - InventoryManager.

Real-Time Events

This list includes the real-time events for the Item Master business object:

  • RTIMOUT, which is a container event for RTIMOUTA.

  • RTIMOUT2, which is a container event for RTIMOUTB.

Batch Import Programs

This list includes the batch import programs for the Item Master business object:

  • Item Master Inbound Transaction Process (R4101Z1I)

Batch Export Programs

This list includes the batch export programs for the Item Master business object:

  • Item Batch Outbound (R4101ZO)

Note: You can find additional technical information about each type of business interface component. For additional descriptions of the information available, and instructions for finding this information, see Accessing Additional Information for Business Interface Components.