Purchase Orders Batch Export Programs

You use batch export programs to retrieve and format data from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database so that it can be used by an external software system.

This table lists and describes the available batch export programs that are associated with the Purchase Orders business object:

Program and Program Type


Available Documentation

EDI Purchase Order Change Extraction program (R47132)

Run the EDI Purchase Order Change Extraction program (R47132) from the Purchase Order Change menu to generate EDI purchase order change transactions (860/ORDCHG). The system sends these transactions to their trading partner to communicate changes that you have made to a purchase order.

See this topic:

Purchase Order Print program (R43500)

If you have set up your system to use Direct Connect and PO Dispatch, when you click the Dispatch Order button, or run the R43500, the system calls the PO Dispatch Processor business service (J43E0030), which translates the data into cXML 1.2.016 format and posts that cXML message so that it can be received by the vendor's website.

See this topic:

EDI RFQ Extraction (R47102).

This is an EDI program.

This batch program extracts records from the Sales Order tables and creates Responses to Requests for Quotes within the EDI outbound tables, which can be sent to the trading partner.

When EDI Response to RFQ Extraction (R47102) program is processed for sales orders, the program extracts data from tables F4201 and F4211 and creates records in these EDI outbound interface tables:

  • F47106 - EDI Response to RFQ Header - Outbound

  • F471061 -EDI Response to RFQ Additional Header - Outbound

  • F47107 -EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Outbound

  • F471071 -EDI Response to RFQ Additional Detail - Outbound

  • F4714 - EDI Order Text Lines - Header

  • F4715 - EDI Order Text Lines - Detail

  • F4706 - EDI Order Address Information

You can access this program from menu G47221.