
Use these processing options to specify the default search type and default type code to be incorporated in an address book record.

1. Search Type

Specify the default value to use in the Search Type field on the Work with Addresses form. Use the search button for a list of valid search types. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses * (asterisk) as the default value. The * instructs the system to locate all address book records.

2. Type Code

Specify the value from user-defined code (UDC) 01/W0 for the system to supply as the default in the Type Code field when you make an entry in the Address Book - Who's Who table (F0111). Values are:

Blank: No attention line appears in a mailing address.

A: Attention Name appears in the attention line of a mailing address except where other type codes are used.

B: Billing Name appears in the attention line of an address when bills are sent.

C: Contact Name. The name of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) contact person that is used in 1099 processing.

E: Emergency Contact. The person to contact whenever an emergency occurs that involves the person or company identified in the address book record.

O: Other. This is used for all other purposes.

T: 1099 Legal Name. The name used for 1099 returns when the legal name is different from the mailing name in the F0101 table.