
Use these processing options to specify which forms and fields to display when using the Address Book Revision program. Displaying the field enables you to enter the tax ID for an address book record.

1. Supplier Master

Specify whether to display the Supplier Master Information form when adding an address book record. To display the Supplier Master form, you must activate this processing option and enter Y in the Payables field. The Payables field is located on the Additional tab on Address Book Revision. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the Supplier Master form.

1: Display the Supplier Master form.

2. Customer Master

Specify whether to display the Customer Master Information form when adding an address book record. To display the Customer Master Information form, you must activate this processing option and select the Receivables option on the Additional tab on Address Book Revisions. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the Customer Master Information form.

1: Display the Customer Master Information form.

3. S/WM

Specify whether to display the CSMS (Customer Service Management System) form when adding an address book record. To display the CSMS form, you must activate this processing option and activate the CSF flag in the Service/Warranty Constants table (F17001). Values are:

Blank: Do not display the CSMS form.

1: Display the CSMS form.

4. Tax ID

Specify whether to display, hide, or disable the Tax ID field on the Address Book Revision form. Values are:

Blank: Display the Tax ID field.

1: Hide the Tax ID field.

2: Disable the Tax ID field.