Understanding Calendars

You use the Calendar Maintenance program (P01311) to create and maintain calendars for various entities, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and resources. When creating a calendar, you can specify information such as the visible views, the default view, the start and end time of the work day, and the start and end day of the work week.

You also define the identifier type and the identifier. The system uses this information to determine the entity with which the calendar is associated. For example, if you create a calendar for a specific customer, you enter AN8 (address book number) in the Identifier Type field and then enter the address book number for that customer in the Identifier field.

You can also assign category codes to calendars. Each category code is attached to a UDC table, to which you can add multiple values to further classify calendars. Category codes enable you to use data that is specific to your organization when creating and managing calendars.