Correcting Form 1095-C Records

You can make corrections to accepted Form 1095-C records in two ways.

  • Review and edit one or more Form 1095-C records using the Work with Form 1095-C Information program (P08119).

  • Run the 1095-C Offer and Coverage Workfile Build - R08119 (from the ACA Information Returns Workbench) for the Correction AIR ID using the same parameters as specified for the original AIR ID.

When a 1095C Offer and Coverage (F08119) record is corrected, the system also generates a corrected record for the corresponding F08120 record in the 1095C Covered Individuals (F08120) table. Similarly, when a F08120 record is corrected, the corresponding F08119 correction record is also created.

After corrections are processed (using the P08119 program or by building the R08119 report), the original records are automatically updated with the Corrected flag, and the corrections are saved into new records using the Corrections AIR ID. The Line ID value on the new records is incremented by 1.

If a correction Form 1095-C record is deleted before submission to the IRS, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system automatically clears the CORRECTED flag in the original Form 1095-C record.

After submission, if the status of the submission is A (Accepted) or E (Accepted with Errors) in the F08212 table, the delete button is enabled in the Form 1095-C Part II and Part III form. When you delete a submitted and accepted Form 1095-C record, the system deletes the record but does not create a correction record. To replace the deleted record, create a new Correction record using the Work with Form 1095-C Information program (P08119).