Reviewing Sales Order Information Using a Mobile Smartphone

To review sales order information on your smartphone:

  1. Open the application by tapping the Order Search icon on your device, and then log in.

    See Logging In to Mobile Enterprise Applications

  2. To refine the list of sales orders that appear on your screen, tap the Filter button to access the Filters screen. You use these fields to filter sales order information:

    • Sold To Customer

    • Ship To Customer

    • Customer PO

    • Order Number

    • Order Type

    • Item Number

      You can enter data in the Item Number field using one of these options:

      • Use the keyboard on your mobile device to manually enter the data.

      • Use the camera application on your mobile device to scan the data.

        To use this option, tap the QR Code button next to the Item Number field. The system launches the device camera and you can scan the barcode of the item number.

      • Use a Bluetooth-enabled scanning device to scan the data.

        To use this option, tap the Item Number field to activate the scanning device. Then, scan the barcode of the item using the scanning device.

      See Setting Up the Bluetooth Option in the Mobile Device to Scan Barcodes..

    • Branch Plant

    • Date

    • Status

  3. On the Filters screen to continue the search using the specified filters, tap the Apply button. When you tap the Apply button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of sales orders that are displayed based on your filter values. Tap the Next Field button to display the Sales Order screen. The default view is the information on the Header tab.

    • Saves the filter values that you entered. The system displays the saved filter values the next time you open the filter screen.

    To discontinue the use of filter values in your search, tap the Cancel button. When you tap the Cancel button, the system:

    • Takes you to the list of branch plants that stock the item with the last saved filter values, if applicable.

    • Ignores the filter values that you entered, and restores the last saved filter values to the filter fields.

      To delete all the filter values that you specified, and to enter new filter values, tap the Clear button.

  4. Review the information in the Order tab. In the Order tab the system displays the following information:

    • Sold To

    • Ship To

    • Customer PO

    • Ordered By

    • Order Date

    • Requested Date

    • Order Total

    • Payment Terms

    • Delivery Instructions

    • Sold To Address

    • Ship To Address

      Tap the link in the Sold To Address or Ship To Address sections of the screen to use the map or navigational features of your device.

    Order Screen: Smartphone
  5. To review the sales order detail information, tap the Detail tab.

    The systems displays the item number, quantity, and unit price for each line number on the sales order.

  6. Tap a line number to see additional sales order detail information associated with the line number.

    The system displays the Line Details screen. The default view is the information on Line Detail tab.

    In the Line Detail tab, the system displays:

    • Quantity

    • Ship To

    • Unit Price

    • Extended Price

    • Last Status

    • Next Status

    Line Details Screen: Smartphone
  7. To review sales order date information, tap the Dates tab.

    In the Dates tab, the system displays:

    • Requested Date

    • Scheduled Pick Date

    • Promised Ship Date

    • Actual Ship Date

    • Promised Delivery Date

    • Invoice Date

    • Cancel Date

  8. Tap the Details button to return to the Sales Order screen.

  9. To add or review notes, tap the Notes tab.

  10. Tap in the New Notes section and enter notes for the sales order.

  11. Tap the Save button to update the note.

    When you save the note, the system appends the note to the Notes History section. However, the system does not stamp the note entry with a date. The note at the bottom of the list of notes is the most recent note.

  12. To log out of the application, tap the Menu button at the bottom left of the screen, and then tap Logout.