Scanning Items Into a Sales Order Using the Order Entry Mobile Tablet Application

This task outlines the specific steps required to scan items into the shopping cart using the Order Entry mobile tablet application. This task does not include instructions or information about updating the customer, checking out, or submitting the order. For additional information on entering sales orders using this application, see Entering a Sales Order with the Mobile Order Entry Tablet Application: Non-Scanning Method.

To scan items into the shopping cart:

  1. Open the application by tapping the icon on your device, and then log in. See Logging In to Mobile Enterprise Applications.

  2. Tap the Shopping Cart button at the top right of the page.

  3. On the Shopping Cart screen, tap the QR Code button at the top right of the screen.

  4. The Scan Item Number field appears at the bottom of the screen. Depending on your user preferences, complete one of the following steps:

    • If your preferences are set to enable Bluetooth scanning, and you have a Bluetooth-enabled scanning device connected to your mobile tablet, scan the barcode of the item you want to add to the shopping cart. You can also manually key in the item number in the Scan Item Number field and then tab out of the field to accept the entry.

    • If your preferences are set to disable Bluetooth scanning, the camera application on your device opens. Scan the bar code using the camera.

    Note: In order to scan items into your shopping cart using a connected scanning hardware device, users must have:
    • A third-party scanning device that can be plugged into the mobile tablet.

    • Customized third-party hardware integration code that is written and plugged into the Order Entry mobile tablet application.

    While this functionality is not available in the base application, contact Oracle Global Customer Support for additional information about setting up an integrated scanning device to work with this application.
  5. After you scan your item, it is added to the shopping cart. Use the Change Quantity button on the Shopping Cart screen to update the quantity information.