Contract Billing

You can set up the contract billing system to use the alternate tax rate/area assignment functionality by using the following entities:

  • Company of business unit

  • Project/Job (origin of the transaction)

  • Customer (destination of transaction)

When you enter a contract, the system:

  • Checks whether the alternate tax rate/area assignment functionality is enabled for the company.

  • Verifies that the VAT registration number (Tax ID) exists for the origin and destination sites.

  • Verifies that the country codes are valid.

  • Retrieves the tax rate/area from the alternate tax rate/area assignment setup based on the origin and destination country codes.

This table describes how programs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract Billing system use the alternate tax rate/area assignment functionality:



Contract Master Revisions (P5201)

When you enter or modify contracts with this program, if the alternate tax rate/area assignment functionality is enabled, the system will retrieve the applicable alternate tax rate/area for the company in the contract considering the Project/Job and Customer countries.

Contract Billing Line Details (P5202)

This program allows you to see in detail the contract entered. You can change the Project/Job field from this application.

If the alternate tax rate/area assignment functionality is enabled, the system will retrieve the applicable alternate tax rate/area for the records generated considering the project and customer countries.