Additional UX One Components for Sales Order Management

In addition to the components that are available on the UX One pages discussed in this documentation, additional components are available for use if you are creating your own, or customizing existing UX One pages


These charts are based on EnterpriseOne programs. By default, the charts are set up to render using queries that are based on delivered demo data. Each of these queries is associated with a specific program version. To use a different query or call a different program version, you can modify these queries or create new queries that better meet your requirements.

You can access these charts using Fast Path by entering the program ID and form ID. For example, enter P1234X|W1234XA.

This table lists and describes the additional UX One components that are available for the Customer Service Manager role:



Team Held Orders by Customer (P42140AX/W42140AXA)

Use this chart to view the percentage of held orders for each customer. This chart is based on view V42140JA, which is a join of the Held Orders table (F4209) and the Sales Order Header File (F4201).

Team Held Orders by Hold Code (P42140AX/W42140AXB)

Use this chart to view the percentage of held orders by hold code. This chart is based on view V42140JA, which is a join of the Held Orders table (F4209) and the Sales Order Header File (F4201).

Team Held Orders by Person Responsible (P42140AX/W42140AXC)

Use this chart to view the number of held orders by person responsible. This chart is based on view V42140JA, which is a join of the Held Orders table (F4209) and the Sales Order Header File (F4201).

Team Late Orders by Item (P42140EX/W42140EXA)

Use this chart to view by item the number of sales order lines for which the item is not shipped by the promised date.

This chart is based on view V42140JE, which is based on these tables:

  • Sales Order Detail (F4211)

  • Item Branch (F4102)

  • Customer Master Commission Information (F42140)

  • Customer Master by Line of Business (F03012)

Team Late Orders by Customer (P42140EX/W42140EXB

Use this chart to view the percentage of sales order lines by customer for which the item is not shipped by the promised date.

This chart is based on view V42140JE, which is based on these tables:

  • Sales Order Detail (F4211)

  • Item Branch (F4102)

  • Customer Master Commission Information (F42140)

  • Customer Master by Line of Business (F03012)

Team Backorders by Item (P42140EX/W42140EXC)

Use this chart to view the number of backordered sales order lines for each item.

This chart is based on view V42140JE, which is based on these tables:

  • Sales Order Detail (F4211)

  • Item Branch (F4102)

  • Customer Master Commission Information (F42140)

  • Customer Master by Line of Business (F03012)

Team Backorders by Customer (P42140EX/W41140EXD)

Use this chart to view the percentage of backordered sales order lines that are associated with each customer.

This chart is based on view V42140JE, which is based on these tables:

  • Sales Order Detail (F4211)

  • Item Branch (F4102)

  • Customer Master Commission Information (F42140)

  • Customer Master by Line of Business (F03012)

For additional information about the program associated with these charts, see the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide: