Using the Chart Menu

Each chart displays the Open Menu icon at the top left of the component frame. You can use the Menu to change the data in the chart that the system displays. Click the Open Menu icon to display the menu. The menu displays the name of the EnterpriseOne application or business view on which the queries for the chart are based. Hovering over the name displays the corresponding application ID for application based queries, and form ID and business view object IDs for business view based queries.

(Release 9.2 Update) If a chart supports the navigation functionality, you can click the Open Menu icon and then click the application name in the menu to navigate to the application on which the query for the chart is created. Alternatively, you can click the Details icon at the top left of the component frame to navigate to the application.

The Query drop-down list shows all the personal and shared queries available for that specific application. When you select a query, Version field is automatically populated with the version associated with the query. The version field is disabled. To change the version, you must create and select a query that uses the version you want. When you select All Records from the Query drop-down list, you can choose the version that you want to use.

Some of the charts display the Group by drop-down list that can be used to aggregate the data. Select an item from the Group by drop-down list to view the data for different categories in a single chart. The Group by drop-down list is displayed on the title of the chart as well as in the menu. Note that the system saves the value in the Group by field only if you select the value from the menu. The value is not saved if it is selected from the chart. When you navigate away and return to the UX One page, the chart groups the data as per the menu preference. You can use the Group by option from the chart to override the menu preference.

Note: Query and Version drop-down lists are the only common fields in the menu. All the other fields, including the Group by drop-down list are available only in specific charts.

Clicking the Apply icon in the menu saves the menu preferences. The system uses the menu settings to refresh the chart with the new data.

All options in the menu are persisted based on the user and chart instance, and are recalled the next time the chart is rendered. For example, if a UX One page contains two instances of the same chart, each role can configure different queries and menu options for each instance. When a user renders the same UX One page again, the system recalls the specific menu selections for each of the chart instances.

Note: If a chart displays a “Query definition is required" message, then you have to either use an existing query or create an ad hoc query.