UX One: Team Late Orders Page

Use the Team Late Orders page (P42001X/W42001XC) to view the late sales order lines by CSR, customer, and item. You can also use the tasks on the page to navigate to the My Customers program (P42470) and version ZJDE0015 of the Sales Order Entry program (P42101).

To access the UX One Team Late Orders page, log in to the EnterpriseOne system using the Customer Service Manager role. When you log in with this role, the system automatically displays the Team Customers page. Click the Team Late Orders task on the springboard to access the Team Late Orders page.

This graphic illustrates the Team Late Orders page:

Team Late Orders page

Watchlist Alerts

These alerts are based on EnterpriseOne programs. By default, the alerts are set up to use queries that are based on delivered demo data. Each of these queries is associated with a specific program version. To use a different query or call a different program version, you can modify these queries or create new queries that better meet your requirements. Additionally, these watchlists have been set up with specific warning and critical threshold values. You can adjust these values to meet your requirements.

This table lists and describes the watchlist alert that is available on the Team Late Orders:

Watchlist Alert


Late Orders

This alert tells you how many sales orders lines have not yet shipped when the line has a promised ship date that is prior to today's date.

This alert is based on version ZJDE0015 of the Sales Order Entry program (P42101).

When you click the alert, the system displays the Manage Existing Order form.

The following form layout is available:

  • Customer View

The following grid formats are available:

  • Review Orders by Item

  • Review Orders by Ship To

For additional information about the program associated with this watchlist alert, see Entering Sales Orders for Customer Service Representatives in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.


These charts are based on EnterpriseOne programs. By default, the charts are set up to render using queries that are based on delivered demo data. Each of these queries is associated with a specific program version. To use a different query or call a different program version, you can modify these queries or create new queries that better meet your requirements.

This table lists and describes the charts that are available on the Team Late Orders page:

Component Title


Late Sales Order Lines By Customer Service Representative (P4211JGX/W4211JGXA)

Use this chart to view the number of sales order lines that have not yet shipped when the line has a promised ship date that is prior to today's date. This chart shows the late sales order lines by CSR and is based on view V4211GJ, which is based on the following tables:

  • Sales Order Detail (F4211)

  • Item Branch (F4102)

  • Customer Master by Line of Business (F03012)

  • Customer Master Commission Information (F42140)

  • Held Orders (F4209)

In addition to using a query for this chart, you must enter a value for this field in the menu:

  • Customer Service Representative Role Type

    The value that you enter must exist in UDC H42/RT.

Late Sales Order Lines By Customer (P42101X/W42101XD)

Use this chart to view the percentage of late sales order lines for each customer. This chart is based on the Sales Order Entry program (P42101).

Late Sales Order Lines By Item (P42101X/W42101XC)

Use this chart to view the number of late sales order lines by item. This chart is based on the Sales Order Entry program (P42101).

For additional information about the programs associated with these charts, see Entering Sales Orders for Customer Service Representatives in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

Springboard Tasks

You use tasks to access EnterpriseOne programs and other UX One pages. These tasks are included in a springboard on the page.

This table lists and describes the tasks on the Team Late Orders page:



My Customers

Use this task to access the Customers Assigned to <your name> page of the My Customers program (P42470).

The following grid format is available:

  • Simple

After you access the My Customers program while in the Customer Service Manager role, you can select from several form layouts that have been provided for the Select Items via Order Guides form. These form layouts are available:

  • Customer Details

  • Item Availability

  • Item Details

  • Item Image

  • Price History

Review Orders

Use this task to access the Manage Existing Order form in the ZJDE0017 version of the Sales Order Entry program (P42101).

The following form layout is available:

  • Customer View

The following grid format is available:

  • Revise Orders

For additional information about the programs accessed by these tasks, see the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide: