F07825 - Company Special Handling Control Table

This table contains a single record for each special handling deduction or benefit within the version and parent company that the system processes. Multiple records for a deduction or benefit might exist if you have requested deductions, benefits, and accruals (DBA) tracking at the tax-area level. Therefore, some DBAs have a single record while others have multiple records. Each record contains the amount for all employees who worked in the company. For example, if three employees have DBA 1000 for the amount of 10.00 USD each for company 001, the summary record will contain an amount of 30.00 USD.

If you have requested tax ID summarization, the system creates a primary record for the parent and non-primary company records within the parent (tax ID). In addition, if an employee had earnings for various types of history, such as third-party sick pay, the system creates separate records to generate a separate year-end form (W-3).

The information tracked in this table is the DBA amount.

Use this table to print the W-3 forms and to verify that the total of the individual (employee) records equals the total in this table. Also use it to verify that the electronic filing amounts being reported match those of the W-3.